Erwin B. Valencia: On Creativity


Do you have a routine for entering into a creative headspace?


Meditation allows me to ground myself before I begin the process. Then I make my space ready, put on some brain flow music, then get to work.


Do you have habits you've built for yourself to foster creativity?


My number one character strength according to the VIA classification survey (like the DSM for Positive Psychology) is Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Using the power of mindfulness, amplifying it with the act of savoring, allows me to find creativity in everything that I experience, all the time.


Where do you think ideas come from?


From every sense, I have inside and outside being used to the 10th degree.


What does creativity mean to you?


Our ability to share with the world at large the gifts that we were given when we were placed on this earth.


When do your best ideas hit you?


At any given point in time, really. But surprisingly I feel I download some of my best ideas during my "old man walks", during events surrounded by like-minded people, and in the solitude of church.


How would you describe your creative process?


Having a system in place and allowing for space to flow through the system.


So many creatives are pivoting and finding ways to adjust their creative process during the quarantine. How have you been channeling your creativity during this time?


It's been amazing honestly. Time has given me the opportunity to step into the greatness I already knew existed but didn't have the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, financial space to.


What unexpected turns did your life take to lead you to become who you are today?


Traveling alone across the pacific at the age of 8 and living with my Godfather and his family for a year a half-- because I was almost kidnapped in the Philippines. 

Discovering The Silva Method at the age of 14. 

Being lent the book The Celestine Prophecy at the age of 16. 

Dancing solo to Sir-Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" in front of about 1200 people in my high school in Manila in my junior year of High School, with my pants backwards (a la Kris Kross)

Coming in 2nd during the Channel [V]'s (pre-cursor to MTV Asia) HUNT for the FIRST EVER FILIPINO VJ

Manifesting my dream job after setting my birthday intentions then giving HUGS to around 300 people in the middle of Prague in 2014.


What sources of inspiration do you use to foster creativity in your work?


The Filipino people - their stories, the resilience, and their ability to continue to be happy despite the many challenges that life brings them.

My Mentors and Mentees - my community of future thought leaders and change-makers.

My family - my brother, my sister, and my parents.


What creative projects are you most proud of?


Coming in 2nd during the Channel [V]'s (pre-cursor to MTV Asia) HUNT for the FIRST EVER FILIPINO VJ

Being able to dance almost every social dance in the planet, and learning from the source of each one

Forming my own Hip-Hip Dance Crew and being Lead Choreographer at the age of 16

Being a Contributing Author to an Amazon Best Selling Book

Fully launching my online-based non-profit mentorship program during the time of COVID

Fully launching my first ever paid online course during the time of COVID


What do you think is something that most creative people in the world have in common?


The passion to pursue a dream with mere faith as an anchor for certainty


How do you make sense of chaos in your life?


It's all part of the journey. 2013 was one of the most challenging and yet the BEST year of my life. My relationship was not only failing, it was causing me immense mental health difficulty. My bank account was slowly dwindling and I didn't know if I'd ever be able to get up for air. I didn't have a home and had to rely on the goodness of others to get me through. My one investment property was creating more of a hole in my pocket rather than filling it. BUT amidst all of that, I found joy in the connections I made -- through couch-surfing, hostels, events that I produced, social dance festivals I was able to participate in, and by merely present in each moment.

I also realized how lucky I was to live a life that many merely fantasize about-- leaving everything behind to just jump into the sea of unknowing.

Above all, IT WAS COMMUNITY-- it was in 2013 that I discovered and got invited to Leaders in Performance, Burning Man, and AFest. Realizing that this journey wasn't unique to me and that there was actually a light at the end of the tunnel, as shown by many, definitely gave me strength. 


Why do you think people get stuck on problems?


Because they don't see the flipside. And it all begins in GRATITUDE.


What advice would you offer those struggling with creative blocks?


Begin with GRATITUDE. Take time to truly honor yourself. Then surround yourself with those that truly have your back.


About Erwin B Valencia:

Erwin Benedict Valencia is a Well-Being Expert and Polymath. Part-High Performance Clinician, Part-Coach, Part-Change Agent. He served as the Medical and Performance Lead for the New York Knicks as its Director of Training and Conditioning and recently shifted his role to focus on the team's Rehabilitation and Well-Being.

He initiated the team's Mindfulness Program alongside legendary coach Phil Jackson, and started the first-ever In-season Daily Breathwork program in NBA. He was also the first to collaborate with Meditation App Headspace in order for it to be used as part of the team's recovery strategies. He brings a truly "Whole-listic" approach to professional sports, combining Sports Science+Clinical Expertise+Mindfulness+Positive Psychology to athlete wellness and care. 

Erwin is also a Community Curator, Well-Being Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker, and Dance Ninja. He is the first Filipino, raised and educated in the Philippines, to be hired full-time on a medical staff of any major US sports team, and in fact succeeded to do it in both Major League Baseball and the NBA. His company KINETIQ, established in Auckland, NZ in 2013, changed the way sports medicine workshops and events were done by bringing an element of personal growth and professional development in each of the "Happenings" around the world and also launched the first-ever co-working space curated specifically for sports medicine and sports performance specialists in Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea.

His social initiative, #BeyondMedyo brings awareness to the importance of mental health in the Philippines and challenges the changing landscape of possible successful industries they can get into beyond what culture dictates as "normal". And his 501(c)3 non-profit mentorship program, Grasshopper Project, brings true mentorship possibilities to many in the health, wellness, and performance industries otherwise left without guidance to succeed and helping them become changemakers and thought leaders in the space.

Erwin also serves as an Advisory and Board member to numerous non-profits including Womensphere (NY/Philippines), Advance for Rural kids (NY/Philippines) and is a Brand Evangelist for Daybreaker, Lululemon, Headspace, and DoTerra Oils.  

Erwin holds Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from the University of the Philippines-Manila, a Masters of Education in Athletic Training & Sports Medicine from Plymouth State University, and a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree with a concentration in Manual Therapy from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. He also completed post-graduate fellowships at Yale University and Regis University. He also holds an Advanced Diploma in Coaching (Executive & Leadership) from New York University and is completing a Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Erwin begins every day in GRATITUDE and has found it his duty and responsibility to truly live life to the fullest, with the purpose of constantly inspiring young Filipinos (and non-Filipinos) to pursue their dreams, in whatever field they deem they’re passionate about.